|                                                                    |
|  Christopher Bohn                    @/books   @/blog   @/contact  |
|                                                                    |

For those that might be interested here are some (not very) 
interesting projects I've done.

* Bailey's Book Club ........................................... [001]
* East Nashville Beer Works Beer List .......................... [002]
* Start Page ................................................... [003]
* Personal Website ............................................. [004]
* References ................................................... [005]


[001] Bailey's Book Club

URL: https://archive.baileysbook.club

Source Code: $/baileysbook.club

Lanuages: Ruby, HTML, CSS, Markdown

Description: My wife has always been an avid reader and decided she
wanted an outlet to be able to share some of her musings on the books
she had read. This project was very fulfilling because I was just
beginning to learn about the skills of web development and given an
actual task to be able to work on. 

Originally I just used a theme from HTML5UP [0] and would edit the
HTML by hand. Needless to say this became quite cumbersome. Later on I
learned about static site generators. Through plenty of trial and 
error I was able to port the theme to the static site generator
Jekyll [1]. 

It was a fun project and I learned a lot of web development skills
along the way (as well as a bit of Ruby).

Note: https://baileysbook.club is now a mirror of @/books please be
sure to use the archive link above.


[002] East Nashville Beer Works Beer List

URL: https://mighty-retreat-64474.herokuapp.com/

Source code: $/enbw

Languages: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL 

Description: East Nashville Beer Works has a display in the taproom
used to show what beers are currently available. Originally Anthony
(the owner) or Sean (the brewmaster) would have to contact our web
developer to make any changes to the beer list. This was problematic
for obvious reason so I set out to fix this issue.

At first I created a Beer List that was ephimemoral (i.e. the
bartender would have to select all the beers that would avaiable at
the beginning of a shift). This version of the beerlist was imple-
mented in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Although this was an improvement over the original beerlist, it still
could be improved upon. After reading the documentation for Ruby on
Rails [2], I then implemented the beer list in the framework. It was
actually a lot simpler than I had thought. RoR has excellent documen-
tation. Features of the new beerlist included:

- Persistant Storage
- Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) functionality
- Admin verification

[003] Start Page

URL: https://startpage.chrisbohn.org

Source code: $/startpage

Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript 

Description: This is a (small) project I put together for personal
use. The movitation was to create a simple start page that matches my
color scheme on my computer. I used the project to familiarize myself
with as much JavaScript as possible. All the links are shorcut are
generated in the $/startpage/blob/master/script.js file.

[004] Personal Website

URL: https://chrisbohn.org

Source code: $/blog

Languages: HTML, CSS, POSIX Shell

Description: I have had so much fun building this website. Everything
about it is incredibly simple. Each page is generated from a a plain-
text document which is inserted into some html tags in a template. The
template contains the inline CSS. Every page is entirely self-
contained and each page load of this website is only a single network

The build script is incredibly simple too. Any POSIX compliant machine
should be able to build this website. The `make` script consist of
nothing, but a few `sed` commands and a couple of variables.
The script clocks in at 45 lines of SLOC. Feel free to check it out

[005] References

[0] https://html5up.net/
[1] https://jekyllrb.com/
[2] https://rails.github.io/documentation/


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The content for this site is CC-BY-SA
The code for this site is MIT